White paper

Cloud & Sustainability: How to make your cloud usage more sustainable?

Uncover strategies to optimize both financial and environmental aspects of your cloud.


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Key Insights

  • Explore the intersection of cloud computing and environmental sustainability, focusing on GreenOps and FinOps strategies from a user perspective.

  • Learn about green coding strategies and the impact of using compute-efficient programming.

  • Understand the significance of choosing energy-efficient data center regions and optimized workload scheduling.

  • Gain insights into the future of cloud sustainability and how it can be a key differentiator for businesses and tech professionals.

Why Read This White Paper?

This white paper is a resource for professionals navigating the complexities of cloud computing in the context of financial and environmental sustainability. It's especially relevant for:

  • Cloud professionals who want to align their cloud strategies with both cost-effectiveness and ecological responsibility.
  • Business leaders and Sustainability Officers looking to integrate sustainable practices in every operative part of the company, especially in IT.
  • Organizations aiming to stay ahead in a market where sustainability is not just a trend, but a business imperative.
White paper - Cloud and Sustainability - How to make your cloud usage more sustainable


  1. Introduction to Cloud Sustainability
  2. GreenOps vs FinOps: Balancing Cost and Sustainability
  3. Strategies & Tools for Green Cloud Computing
  4. Implementing Sustainable Cloud Practices
  5. Conclusion: The Path Forward in Sustainable Cloud Computing