Elevating Cybersecurity and Compliance: Mobilidée’s Journey with Smartcockpit

Elevating Cybersecurity and Compliance: Mobilidée’s Journey with Smartcockpit

Key Challenges and Context

Mobilidée, a pioneer in mobility management services since 2004, has carved a niche for itself in the dynamic landscapes of Switzerland and Europe. Known for its versatile and dynamic team, Mobilidée has always been at the forefront of reinventing mobility to foster pleasant interactions. This commitment to innovation and excellence, however, brought with it a set of unique challenges, especially in the realm of cybersecurity.

As a company dealing with a vast array of corporate data, particularly sensitive information pertaining to Swiss companies, Mobilidée was acutely aware of the critical need to safeguard its systems, applications, and data. This necessity was not just a matter of internal governance but also a response to the evolving expectations of their stakeholders and the market at large. The aspiration to achieve ISO 27001 certification was a testament to their dedication to data security and governance. However, this goal was not just a straightforward pursuit of a certification; it was a journey towards transforming their entire approach to information security management systems (ISMS).

The project, initiated in July 2022, unfolded against the backdrop of an evolving enterprise. Over two years, Mobilidée witnessed significant changes, not just in its operational strategies but also in its organizational structure. The evolution of the project manager’s role into a security responsibility was a clear indicator of the shifting focus towards a more robust security posture. This transition was not just about adopting new technologies or protocols; it was about a cultural shift within the organization, necessitating a deep understanding of the risks and the measures required to mitigate them.

The challenges were multifaceted. On one hand, there was a pressing need to align with global standards and regulations, such as the NIST, nLPD, and GDPR, which were becoming increasingly relevant in their operational domain. On the other hand, the absence of a centralized governance framework posed significant hurdles in consistently applying new policies and adhering to industry standards. The lack of such a framework led to configuration inconsistencies and made it challenging to enforce global policies effectively.

Mobilidée’s journey was not just about achieving compliance or ticking off a checklist. It was about building a resilient and secure foundation that could adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape. This journey required a partner who could understand their unique context, appreciate the specific pain points, and tailor a solution that would not only address the immediate challenges but also pave the way for long-term security and compliance.

Our Approach

1. Defining the Certification Scope

Our journey with Mobilidée began with a critical step: defining the scope of the ISO 27001 certification. This process was essential to align our strategy with Mobilidée’s business objectives and operational framework, ensuring a targeted and effective approach.

2. Risk Analysis and Remediation Planning

A thorough analysis of Mobilidée’s existing systems and processes was conducted to identify deviations from desired standards. This phase was crucial for understanding their unique operational environment and for laying the groundwork for a comprehensive remediation plan. Our team’s expertise was pivotal in identifying risks and designing a strategy that encompassed technological, procedural, and cultural changes.

3. Establishing Policies and Preparing for Audits

Implementing the remediation plan involved more than technical fixes; it required the establishment of internal security policies and procedures that resonated with Mobilidée’s culture. A significant focus was placed on staff awareness and preparation for internal audits, ensuring a deep-rooted culture of security within the organization.

4. Utilizing Smartcockpit for Governance and Compliance

Smartcockpit played a key role in our strategy, enabling innovative and automated management of governance, risk, and compliance. This tool was instrumental in tracking the progress and effectiveness of our implemented solutions, ensuring a streamlined and efficient approach to achieving compliance.

5. Cultural Transformation and Empowerment

A crucial aspect of our approach was the cultural shift within Mobilidée. Our training programs were designed not just for compliance but to empower employees, instilling a sense of ownership and active participation in the new security protocols. This cultural transformation was key to the sustainability and effectiveness of our cybersecurity initiatives.

6. Documentation and Roadmap for Continuous Improvement

The final piece of our strategy was documenting the compliance plan. This documentation served as a roadmap for ongoing compliance and a reference for Mobilidée’s continuous improvement in cybersecurity. It encapsulated the transformative journey and provided a clear guide for maintaining and enhancing the security measures in place.


The journey of Mobilidée, from confronting the daunting challenges of cybersecurity to achieving a state of readiness for ISO 27001 certification, is more than a success story; it’s a blueprint for digital resilience in today’s business world. Our approach, tailored to the unique needs and culture of Mobilidée, demonstrates the profound impact of a well-orchestrated strategy that intertwines technical prowess with organizational empowerment. If your organization is at a similar crossroads, seeking not just solutions but a transformational journey, our team of experts is ready to guide you through. Together, we can turn your cybersecurity challenges into opportunities for growth, innovation, and enduring success.

Contact us to embark on your journey towards a secure and compliant digital future.