BizDevOps, how to bring collaboration between IT and Business teams?   

BizDevOps, how to bring collaboration between IT and Business teams?    

Process and app digitalization have been in the hands of the Dev and Ops teams for a few decades now. DevOps principle is earned by IT and the cultural change bridges the gap between teams.

The typical workload distribution was then, business asking for features – Dev building the app and/or the process – Ops providing the platform.

Bridge wall of confusion Biz vs devops low code

Find out more about Find out more about DevOps.

Yet, this common way of working in the digital world is coming to an end. Indeed, companies must face IT resource scarcity (not enough tech specialists and resources), and in the meantime the increasing need for digitalization.

What is BizDevOps?

Facing those challenges, the BizDevOps approach creates a bridge between the business and the tech teams in the loop of digital asset creation. BizDevOps is a way, a culture, that enables digital asset development through close collaboration and shared knowledge between the business, developers, and operations teams.  

This alignment is led by the common goal of improving solutions and customer experiences to achieve business goals and increase business outcomes.

The classic DevOps representation is thus updated with a new player: the Business.

Bizdevops loop workload collaboration

Introducing Citizen Dev: a key pillar of BizDevOps

Before business was just asking for features, then testing the DevOps delivery’s quality. Now, they are also responsible for creating robust features and applications together with the IT teams. Indeed, BizDevOps shifts the typical workload distribution by bringing tools to the business so they can build part of the digital assets themselves. But how to call those new players in the DevOps journey? They don’t have any coding skills, but they are capable of developing business apps: the Citizen Devs are coming!

IT Dev app without business
Citizen Dev with low code no code app

How to do BizDevOps?

To do so, companies need to provide a new set of software that allows business users to build workflows and applications independently. Starting with Low-Code Platforms to empower business users, they will gradually become Citizen Developers, building applications without any coding skills. In the meantime, reducing the workload of IT developers will allow them to focus on higher value-added and more complex missions.

Citizen Devs Ramp Up process

Moreover, by empowering business users to digitalize their process on low-code platforms that have been selected together with the IT, BizDevOps provides a new way of development:

Low Code vs Traditional Code

Why implement BizDevOps?

Many benefits go along with this new approach:  

What are the BizDevOps Challenges?

The main challenge you will face is to bring this new culture into your company. Transformation and adoption of a new approach always take time and collective efforts so you will need the following:

Biz Dev Ops Team

In this era of digital transformation acceleration, coming together with IT Developers shortage, Positive Thinking Company has developed a service offer to support our clients to:


 1 IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2020 Predictions, October 2019

2 Patrick Moorhead. Microsoft goes all-in on hybrid Cloud and Edge at Ignite 2019, citing Indeed survey,, Nov 2019

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