Containerization, Docker & Podman: from security to cost optimization

Containerization, Docker & Podman: from security to cost optimization

The creation of a container

The basis of orchestration is the creation of a container. Often directly integrated, and regularly using images from various sources, it is essential to demonstrate strict deployment hygiene in order to ensure its deployment.

Each organization must depend on strong and rigorous guidelines when it comes to container creation, and adopt a set of best practices and rules necessary to maintain the required quality.

The annual report of snyk ( is often quoted as a reference. It shows us that the number of vulnerabilities remains high even on official images in critical condition. In recent years, the trend has been rather positive. Nevertheless, it is essential to take all necessary precautions.

Snyk 2020 : Extrait

Organizational requirements

There are many debates on many very specific points, which are not only technical, but above all organizational.

For example, we can talk about the differences about updating packages in the build.

RUN yum -y update && yum clean all

This methodology will depend on security, the need for a reproducible build, the way to manage packages, the Tag strategy…

To simplify, we can summarize this to the following two positions:

It remains that a certain number of practices must be put in place, independently of the debates:

Use Case

Sometimes an image that seems simple can hide deeper problems.

Extremely simple, this image seems to be rather well studied and does not raise any particular suspicion (no layer, no health check, no set -e, it remains classic). And yet:

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation Illustration issue

This image weighs 950MB, that’s ~$0.08 per pull in AWS. We’re talking about an image that should potentially be scalable.

Regarding potential vulnerabilities:

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation Illustration issue 2

We see that they come mainly from the base image:

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation Illustration issue 3

If we look in more detail at the construction of the image, and more specifically at the different layers, here is what emerges:

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation Illustration issue 4

Let’s quickly analyze this result.

The official image is designed for local testing of locust development (, but for the end user it has several flaws:

The main flaw comes from the debian/python 3.8 images. It has many tools to download the different python packages needed to use and compile the application. The base image (debian) is “relatively” light, 114MB.

In good practice and to reduce the size of the images, we mainly use these methods:

By using simple base images, it is possible to optimize the result quite significantly, either by starting from the same debian base, or by taking an alpine or redhat base.

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation
Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation 2

You will notice what seems to be too long command lines, which we commonly find in many images. If for development purposes it can be convenient to separate the different layers as in the following example:

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It remains important in the context of finalization, to group the layers using this format:

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation 4

The difference between these two writings is quite ambiguous. The first will create an image more than twice as large as the second (383MB VS 132MB), because of the intermediate layers. Again, in a cloud context, and with the ability to instantiate multiple containers, this is a time and traffic saving that translates into a cost reduction.

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For comparison, in terms of size:

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In terms of vulnerabilities, it’s also very equivocal:

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Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation 8

We will notice the number of dependencies, which is significantly lower.

If we take the debian base (base used by the original project):

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There are still a number of problems, but we have reduced the attack surface. We count 110 dependencies only (compared to 431 in the official image) and security problems (72 compared to 335).

It is interesting to check regularly the images used since it is possible to have substantial gains:

Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation taille
Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation dépendances
Docker Vulnerabilities in official container images - containerisation optimisation security issues

What should be noted is that the mentioned images and corresponding dockerfiles are not ready for production. It is necessary, for example, not to have the latest images, but images corresponding to the tag of the application, and therefore to restrict to the construction, the use of the appropriate tag.

Also, we are talking about a tool that is quite simple to use, and that looks more like an application packaging, than a specific service, without taking away the interest of adding health check and liveprobe.


In conclusion, we can see that the reduction of the size of the image, as well as its relative security via the limitation of integrated packages is relatively simple to implement, if only, as in this case, by reviewing the construction process very slightly, and this, without changing the result for the user.

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